The New York Second
@ Karel Van Eerd Music Award finals

Good or bad news?

In January 2022, out f 119 bands, we were nominated for the Karel van Eerd Music Awards. The public vote brought us to the next round and we were allowed to play the finals, together with five other fine bands.

In the end, after the Live Concert on 13 March, we did not win. But it was great opportunity to play Music at Night live for the first time, and the jury had this to say about our performance:

“Great band to listen to; wonderful musicians and beautiful arrangements.”

So, all things considered, actually pretty good news. In any event, again a warm thank you for all the votes that allowed us to reach the finals!

Thanks to these great musicians: Thomas Pol, Teus Nobel, Max Sergeant, Vincent Veneman, Tom Beek, Mark Alban Lotz and Koen Smits.